The range of services provided by Broadway Power Sdn Bhd in Malaysia covers four main areas:-
1. Electrical Installation

For high-rise buildings, houses, offices factories, hospital, hotels, schools, sports facilities, department stores, supermarkets, airports, air-craft hangers, road etc.
2. Mechanical Installation

Certified to BS EN ISO 9001:2015, CIDB (SPKK) – G7-B CE&ME, ST (TBE) Class A, TNB-G&-B CE&ME, SESB-G7-B CE&ME, Approved Photovoltaic Service Provider (MPIPV) For air-conditioning, plumbing and fire fitting systems.
3. Electrical Power Supply Installation

For power stations, sub-stations, power transmission lines, distribution and communication lines and related engineering works.
4. Instrumentation and Building Automation System

In every project undertaken, Broadway Power Sdn Bhd involvement in planning, design, procurement, construction and maintenance has always been highly integrated to establish a comprehensive system which functions effectively and economically. The best technologies are always researched and applied to maximize the returns for our clients. With the introduction of computer controlled system and the latest technologies, Broadway Power Sdn Bhd is now capable of undertaking complete package service for major mechanical and electrical contracts.
Broadway Power Sdn Bhd processes the latest information regarding laws, relations and standard, concerning design and implementation of projects. We have established systems for design execution and technical services that are adapted to prevailing conditions socially, geographically, climatically or otherwise.
In meeting today’s increasing demand for power, Broadway Power Sdn Bhd has developed several advanced installation techniques and mechanized its work processes and equipment. Close communication is maintained between each Company within the Group, and management and technical expertise is polled on an international basis which would ensure the application of the highest degree of constructions management system and construction management system and construction technique, regardless of its project nature or locality.

The Company’s operational activities are appropriately subdivided into the following different departments:-
- Planning and Design Department
- Contracts/Tender Department
- Technical Services Department
- Marketing and Purchasing Department
- Finance and Adminstration Department